Tuesday, April 30, 2013


Sorry for the lack of posting the last couple days... I can't believe I didn't get my pretzel day post out in time!! Ugh.

Maybe I'll just back-date it... =P

Life has been pretty crazy the last few days.

Started potty training the Kiddo, found out some upsetting family news, then the hubs lost his new job after only two weeks (that's a rant I'll keep to myself), we both had speaking assignments at church, new position at church for me, and then finding a new job for the hubs... all on top of watching my niece several mornings, cooking, cleaning and trying to sleep.


But I'm back!! Hopefully... I've got a lot of stuff going on for my new church position this week, and then traveling to my cousin's wedding. So maybe I'll really be back next week...

We'll see how things go and if I can crank out these daily holiday posts.

When your life gets crazy, what do you do to manage yourself and get it all done without losing your mind?

Let me know in the comments!