Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Gotta Velata Holidays, because it's not just Fondue!

Did you know that today (April 23) is National Picnic Day? Neither did I. That is, until I looked up a list of Food Holidays... =)

So... we've all seen these tweets and posts all over the internet:
"Happy Jelly-Filled Doughnut Day! I ate a dozen, lol."
or "OMG, it's National Grilled Cheese Sandwich Day!"

Haven't we? ... Or is that just me?

Anywho, I kept seeing these and was getting super curious about who decides these "holidays" and went to my trusted source: Google. And I found a nifty list of "Food Holidays".

I heart the internet!

The site is linked below and goes into more detail about the various food holidays, weeks, and months throughout the year...

BUT, I got really excited reading through some of them and decided to create a series of posts dedicated to these delicious celebrations:

"Gotta Velata Holidays, because it's not just Fondue!"

The challange? Working Velata into each and every one of these holidays!!

This should be interesting... Here we go!

April 23: National Cherry Cheesecake Day
April 24: National Pigs in a Blanket Day
April 25: National Zucchini Bread Day
April 26: National Pretzel Day
April 27: National Prime Rib Day
April 28: National Blueberry Pie Day

The above list includes links to my blog posts for each holiday. You will notice I've got future holidays listed as well. So if you have an idea about what I could/should do to incorporate Velata products OR have an experience of your own, please share in the comments. Thank you!
For the complete list of Food Holidays, please go here.

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