Thursday, April 12, 2012

No-Fuss Fondue!

When my husband and I got married we got the usual myriad of wedding presents, one of which was a chocolate fondue pot.  This Monday (4/16) we will be celebrating 3 wonderful years together.  Do you know how many times in those 3 years that we've used that little pot to make the delicious chocolate fondue that we both love so much?  If you guessed more than once, you'd be wrong.  That's right, we've only used it once!!  It was a few months after we had settled in to our new apartment and we had invited our new friends and next door neighbors over for dinner and chocolate fondue.  We were so excited, but that quickly died as we scorched the first batch of chocolate.  We had to wait for it to cool enough to clean and start over.  It was very temperamental and such a hassle to get the chocolate just right!  Ergo, we've only used it the once...

BUT we are both really excited for the no-fuss fondue experience that Velata will bring to our home on May 1st!  What really makes the Velata warmers special is the silicone dish. It's a simple dish that has a patent-pending technology to keep the chocolate at exactly the right temperature. A metal plate wrapped in silicone absorbs the heat from the 25-watt bulb. The silicone keeps the heat from escaping, prevents the chocolate from scorching, and can go from the refrigerator to the microwave to the dishwasher with ease. You can't do that with a fondue tower, or a traditional fondue pot!

Picture a quick, delicious, family-fun night. Or a romantic date night with decadent treats. Or the "grab some chocolate and a warmer" addition to a potluck. Just imagine the possibilities!

I can't wait to start having parties with these little beauties!  If you want to add one of these to your kitchen arsenal or host a party (home or catalog) to get free and half-price items, please let me know.  May 1st is right around the corner, my calendar is gonna fill up fast, and these things will be flying off our virtual shelves!


  1. It does sound like lots of fun!

    1. I really can't wait, can you tell? Haha! We should set up a giveaway or special on your blog, get you some free chocolate and help your loyal followers be the first Velata trendsetters. :)
